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Anwar Irmatov

Anwar Irmatov

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia


Anwar Irmatov has a wide range of expertise from algebraic topology and functional analysis to threshold logic, machine learning, and biometrics. He is the author of F-topology and IM-topology in the spaces of Fredholm and compact operators correspondingly. He suggested a combinatorial-probabilistic construction and application of combinatorial-topological methods to obtaining one of the best lower bound for the number of threshold functions. He leaded a team in S1 Co. Ltd. for creation face recognition algorithms that were successfully used in access control systems at G-20 and Nuclear safety summits in Korea. His researches on face recognition algorithms was rewarded by Award of Merit at the Samsung Best Paper Award Competition. He is an associate professor at the Department of Mechanics and Mathematics of Lomonosov Moscow State University. Irmatov has a PhD in mathematics from Lomonosov MSU and earned Executive MBA degree from IEDC Bled School of Management.

Research Interest

Machine learning and Biometrics